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The first time of Week of fishery specialties from Da River in Hanoi
July 1, 2018
Many kinds of Da River’s fishery specialty have a traceability stamp raised in Hoa Binh, Son La appeared in Hanoi during this special promotion week hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
On June 30, in Hanoi, the Ministry of Industry and Trade cooperated with the Department of Industry and Trade of Hanoi and the Department of Industry and Trade of Son La and Hoa Binh provinces and Central Group Vietnam to officially open the Da River fish week in Hanoi.
Accordingly, specialties such as sturgeon, lenticular, black carp… which were raised in clean water environment on Da river (in Hoa Binh and Son La provinces) will be consumed in the system of 15 supermarkets of Big C system in the Northern provinces.
Many kinds of specialty fish raised in Da River are introduced and sold in Hanoi
In particular, the types of fish put into consumption during the week, taking place from 30.6 to 7.6, are all products taken by the Ministry of Industry and Trade in collaboration with the National Food Safety Testing Institute to ensure the Food safety criteria.
There are 200 fish cages on Song Da hydropower reservoir (Hoa Binh), Mr. Pham Van Thinh said that Da river fish is raised according to the process of not using antibiotics or banned substances and especially using the majority of Natural foods such as fish, oil cloves, silver cloves, moss … should be firm, delicious taste.
Also according to Mr. Thinh, thanks to the support of the authorities in protecting the Da River fish brand, in the past few years, Da River fish has been "fired" the tracking number and helped customers have Can use smart phones easily retrieve the origin of each fish.

A ton of fishes will be consumed in the Week of fishery specialty from Da River 2018
“Week of fishery specialty from Da River 2018 helps fish farmers to promote specialty fishes to consumers and connect fish resource to supermarkets and big retail chains to help farmers feel secure about the output products, ”said Mr. Thinh.
According to the organizers, during the Week of fishery specialty from Da River 2018 in Hanoi, about 1 ton of fishes will be consumed, applying a 10% discount policy. The program also aims to help consumers in the capital know how to recognize, consumer choices of Da river fish products to ensure quality and food safety compared to products without clear origin
According to the organizers, during the Week of fishery specialty from Da River 2018 in Hanoi, about 1 ton of fishes will be consumed, applying a 10% discount policy. The program also aims to help consumers in the capital know how to recognize, consumer choices of Da river fish products to ensure quality and food safety compared to products without clear origin
Phan Hậu
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